Just as I arrived I received a phone call from her. She thought her tire might be flat and was scared to drive on it at all. So I went to her house to pick her up. When I pulled up, I noticed that a long time family friend, Cookie, was there visiting with her. Mom and Cookie go way back. Way, way back. She has kept a close check on mama through this experience. Anyway, She was leaving as the girls and I were arriving. Mom looked good. Kind of tired, but good. The ride to Hattiesburg was filled with conversation, two little girls arguing, and cell phone calls. We were SUPPOSED to meet up with some family and have lunch at Outback Steak House, but mom decided at the last minute that she would rather go a faster and cheaper route for lunch. Later I found out why....She was exhausted from a sleepless night. She said there was nothing wrong, she just couldn't sleep. She had not told me about this before, or I probably would have encouraged her to stay home and rest (perhaps that's why she didn't tell me).

I commonly refer to myself as a "man-shopper". I am NO FUN to shop with. I make a list, get straight to the point, and get out. I wasn't always this way. I used to enjoy browsing. Since I had Neva, then came Nori, I have slowly began to loathe the shopping experience. I did almost all of my Christmas shopping in ONE day. Anyway, I needed a few Mili-prep items, so we went to Target. I got a new pack and play (the best invention ever), because the one I used with Neva AND Nori finally bit the dust. With both of my girls, I used the bassinet part of my pack and play for them to sleep in my room for the first few months of life. It worked out great with the other two girls. I also grabbed some diapers, a few receiving blankets, and a couple outfits that are not hand-me-downs. Mom picked Mili out a little outfit, a blanket, and a hat to come home in. It's just a little cotton sleeper. Mom did the whole fancy-shmancy frilly fabric come-home outfit when Neva was born, and we ended up bringing her home in a comfy little sleeper. We did the same thing for Nori. So, I wouldn't have it any other way with Mili. ( I LOVE the little outfit. It is so tiny and cute! Thank you mama!) OF COURSE, I felt a little guilty with the girls looking at all these pretty pink things for the baby and the LAST thing I want to do is make them jealous of her. So, I grabbed the girls a brand new pack of panties a piece. There was an ulterior motive for this, I am trying to motivate Nori in her potty training (so far, so good. Still not as dedicated to it as I should be but Nori is doing great!)
At this point, we had been shopping for less than one hour. We had been to one store and we were finished! You can really see the fatigue on mom's face. Since the children behaved SO well, we decided to reward them.......
If you haven't taken your little one to Chik-Fila in Hattiesburg, you must! The girls love it. Don't get me wrong, the girls DO eat fast food and THEY enjoy it (but I'm not proud of that). I really don't feel that guilty when I take them here. They get chocolate milk, REAL white meat chicken, and FRESH fruit cups. Of course, it doesn't hurt that they have a clean, safe, indoor play ground that has restrictions on the size/age of the children allowed inside.
Neva's black eye is looking better. Maybe it's just me, but I feel this urge to stop people and say "I didn't do it! She just inherited my gracefulness, honest!" when we are in town. Unfortunately, my kids are rough and tumble and keep bruises all over their body. If I really explained all of them to everybody, I would do nothing BUT explain.
Nori is all about a camera. She can see one across the room and she goes into pose-mode.
A good-bye kiss as she heads to the play ground!
I was SUPER excited to see Neva interact SO well with the other children that were playing today. Mom was excited too. (YES, she does have 3 different pony tails....I CHOOSE my battles wisely. This wasn't one of them)
Nori ran back and forth from me to the climbing apparatus. I think she enjoyed the freedom of being able to do so all by herself.
I don't know if you can tell, but mom ate ALMOST an entire chicken sandwich!!!!! I was so excited! Still am!!!I know all scales are different, but according to some scales at her house, she has gained a pound since her last appointment at the clinic! I am SO proud of her!
After we left, I could tell mom was fighting her sleep the whole way home. I felt her pain, I am much healthier than her and I was EXHAUSTED! Lack of sleep is no fun. She assured me that nothing else other than fatigue was ailing her.Mom told me that she thought she might have her days and nights mixed up. Since it was only 1:00, I was worried if she went straight home and went to bed, that this would only continue. However, shortly after we left her house, Josh, Amber and the boys arrived and kept her awake for a while. I haven't spoken to her since this afternoon, but I know she stayed up until around 5:30 or so. At that point, she sounded very tired but she was okay. The last time I called (around 7:00) there was no answer, which is usually a sign that she is asleep. Hopefully this long day will help get her sleeping pattern regulated. After church tomorrow, Michael, the girls and I are going to head over there so he can look at mom's tire. I hope that she gets plenty of good rest tonight and feels good tomorrow. Today was pretty wonderful.
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