Me and my mom, my best friend.

Me and my mom, my best friend.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Memory Bank Deposit

Monday afternoon (after the Fright Night incident on Sunday), Nori had a seizure. It was due to high fever. It was absolutely the scariest thing I have ever seen. We spent, yet another, night in the ER. The dr. concluded that the chances of her having another seizure were very slim. We were to continue rotating fever reducers and taking the antibiotic. We followed up with her pediatrician and she agreed. Nori is doing great now. We purposefully avoided seeing my mom to protect her from the germs. It has been hard, because even before my mom was sick I saw her most everyday. Since she's been sick I have seen her most every minute. Being away was tough on us all. It was only two days, but at one point mama was speaking through a cracking voice over the phone declaring " I WILL NOT go without seeing my grand babies...I won't!" She understood I was trying to protect her, but she didn't agree. Luckily 48 hrs went by and a couple doses of antibiotic, so we felt comfortable visiting her today. I called her and told her to get dressed and we would pick her up for "operation: fun day for the girls". She hesitated slightly, so I asked if she felt alright. She admitted that she had some heaviness in her chest and a shooting pain in her ribs. I decided to just go see her instead. When I got there she was dressed and ready to go. Of course, I was the one who hesitated this time. "Mama, do you need to go to the dr? Please tell me." She assured me that she WOULD tell me if she needed medical attention. I reminded her that without chemo, she has to be 100% honest with us about what she is feeling. This is no time to be tough. Her body could be trying to let her know what the cancer is up to in there. She promised if the heaviness persisted she would go to the dr. tomorrow. She then reassured me that she felt fine. So we took off!
Little Brady was sick and at his pediatrician's office in H-burg, so we shielded mom from him, while we picked Noah up at the clinic. Then we headed to Diddy Bops!

Nori wasn't so sure about it at first, but she eventually fell in love with it!

See what I mean?

I had to threaten her to get to her stop long enough to smile....But she gave me a split second and a big CHEESE!

The fun wasn't just for the kids...I looked up at one point and saw my "feeble" little mother climbing the ladder to this HUGE slide. Yes, that blur is her!

I worry too much and I know that. I was concerned that this was too much activity for her....But man, check out that smile...You should have heard the giggle that went along with it!

The kids were exhausted, so we grabbed a bite and headed to mom's house. She was still in good spirit and not too tired. Once the kids were down for nap, it was time to do some convincing.....
I FINALLY talked mom into letting me color her gray. Daniel usually does this, but mom doesn't have alot of hair, and isn't sure if the radiation will take the rest of it. She remembers to vividly the rainbow hair I sported as a self-dying teenager. So she was very hesitant to agree to let me do this at home. I would be lying if I said I didn't panic for a second when I saw it processing...It looked REALLY BLACK!

But it turned out great! She looks beautiful don't she?

When my girl's woke up, Neva felt warm. Her temp revealed 101. Not horrible, but alarming. We knew we needed to get away from mom, because if Neva's illness were contagious-it could really hurt her possibly even be fatal for her. So we took off. It wasn't easy ending such a great day in a panic, but I have to protect my mama. It is also not easy being away from her when I know how much she needs me right now ( AND I need HER). But I have to do whats best. When my kids are sick, I HAVE to steer clear of her. Luckily, I have really healthy kids (with the exception of the previous few days). With radiation coming up, she needs to be in the best possible health. But it was a fun day. I filled my memory bank with some beautiful thoughts.

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