Me and my mom, my best friend.

Me and my mom, my best friend.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Know Your Role

Things have been really tough lately. I have learned to never say "things can't get any worse" because the last time I said it, I ended up in Jackson with my 1 yr. old who couldn't walk, her head and body were swelling, and the doctors were baffled. So, I won't say that. But it really has been hard lately. As I have previously said, I am really having trouble with the phrase "everything happens for a reason". I cannot, for the life of me, think of a reason that my mom should have developed a terminal illness. I cannot fathom why my grandfather had to endure so much suffering before he passed. I have no clue why so many horrible things are happening to one family. However, I will admit, there have been some "coincidences" lately. I would like to share a few of them with you:

Mom was having a "down day". Well, while waiting in line at the bank, she was updating the tellers of her condition. One man who was also waiting turned to her and asked if he could share his story. It seems, he had a large tumor on his colon. They did the proper testing and apparently were talking of scheduling a surgery. But on the day of his final scan before the surgery was to take place he asked the Dr. (regarding his test results) "Are you going to be able to get it?" The Dr. with a stunned expression replied "I don't have to, someone already did". The man believes he was healed by prayer. He then took my mom's hands and prayed for her. She left the bank feeling blessed, uplifted and hopeful. (coincidence that this man was in the bank on the same day as mom?)

For weeks now, my aunts, uncle and (when possible) my mom have made it their main priority for my papaw to not be left alone. Even though he was in the care of very capable doctors and nurses, they never left his side. However, on the day of my papaw's passing, All the siblings had stepped out of the room together (which never happened) and when they came back just a few short minutes later--he was gone to be with Mamaw. (Coincidence that he waited until they were not in the room?)

Today in wal-mart, my mom was feeling equally self conscious about her thinning hair, and the mask I made her wear to protect her from germs. As we walked up and down the aisles quickly grabbing the necessities for our homes, we bumped into a beautiful 20-something young girl. She recognized mom, and knew her story through a friend of my brother's. She smiled softly and told my mom the story of her fight against and victory over breast cancer. She spoke about taking chemo, wearing the masks and also about losing her hair. She was so sweet and positive. Mom walked away from her with a new found "I am not alone in this" confidence. (coincidence that this girl was able to share her amazing story right when my mom needed it?)

It is almost as if these people were placed in the right place at the right time. That man had to be a miracle, so that he could inspire my mom to hope for one. My Papaw held on so tight, so that his babies didn't have to endure anymore pain than necessary. That girl crossed mom's path so that she could say--"there are more important things than hair" right when mom needed to hear it. It's almost as if it was their role to play.

If I had to assume why this tragic situation exists I would say to make us stronger. To bring us closer to one another. To make us thankful. To bring us closer to God. And to make us understand and believe "Everything Happens For a Reason".

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