Me and my mom, my best friend.

Me and my mom, my best friend.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Bushell and a Peck......

The much anticipated holiday has come and passed once again. Though I was plagued with the fear of what next Christmas holds, I didn't find myself down or depressed. From mine and mom's midnight grocery shopping spree to the two of us taking the girls to look at Christmas lights (mom was equally or MORE amazed than the girls), to the carolers that came and sang for my mom, we have had some wonderful moments, and made some lifelong memories....

On the 22nd, we went and looked at Christmas lights. It was wonderful to see my kids light up as bright as the decorations....But even better to see mama's reaction. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures. Then came our midnight shopping spree! Just me and mom. We were both very sleepy and aching in our backs by the time we left...But our nerves? They were in great shape! I would definitely recommend this to people who are not real fond of a crowd. We had a blast.

We went and saw Santa on the 23rd. I was really surprised about Nori. Usually a little more on the reserved side, she was actually excited to meet Santa. Neva isn't scared of anything. Neva told him she wanted Alice in Wonderland the movie, because she lost hers. Nori said she wanted a baby doll. It was really sweet. The professional photo is much better than mine.....

After seeing Santa, we went to take our Gammy some lunch. She was getting a couple pints of blood transfused over at the hospital. It was what should be our last (outside the home) treatment. The kids found their place in the hall (not allowed in the chemo room).

She was sleeping so sound when I walked in. She opened her eyes, spotted me, then this little smirk formed on her face...

Next came celebrating Christmas with my some of my inlaws. We had this little gathering Friday night (the 23rd).
Mr. Garcia and ALL of his children...
AND grandchildren...

Christmas Eve at my sis in law's house was a blast. Michael took pictures with our other camera, and I don't know where it is at the moment (more pics to come.....). Afterwards we prepared for the big guy. I didn't make homemade cookies this year....Instead golden oreos....I happen to know that golden oreo's are the "big guy's" favorite!

We kept it real simple again this year. I am sure the materialistic side of my children will come out soon, but we haven't seen it yet. Santa brought Nori a princess tent, and Neva her very first bike.

The first one to wake up.....

OF COURSE, they wanted each other's presents....When will Santa learn to just bring duplicates of EVERYTHING!

Nori was particularly fond of her new princess gear and her favorite thing in the world, her vacuum cleaner!!!

Neva was very excited about her bike. With the yucky rain, we were trapped inside. So we played dress up!

Even Michael got in on the action. He put on the hunting cap that the girls bought him. 20 min and a million sneezes later, we realized he is allergic to the rabbit fur inside....
After our little Christmas at home, came breakfast at Nay Nay and PawPaws. Aunt Jamina, Uncle Gabe, Rylee and Rhett would, of course, be there as well......

This is when Jamina and I realized that we got each other the EXACT same present....A pearl bracelet, with our children's names engraved....Weird, huh? You know what they say about great minds........

After breakfast, we headed out to Papaw the Great's old house in Taylorsville. It is still being painted and remodeled, but it was nice to be there for atleast one last Christmas (who knows where we will gather next year). The whole family was there. It was great--but missing an important person....

I have to remind and remind and remind and remind (AKA GRIPE) about mom lifting the kids....She just shouldn't. Do you think she listens to me?

No, she don't....

She was in charge of handing out gifts this year. I worried about her over doing it, but I've got to be honest---She had  GREAT day!

There is Michael and the girl that ATE Nikki.....No more pictures, please.....

Josh has this thing he likes to do. He likes to make goofy faces and ruin potentially nice photos...

Here is my family, making the "BRENDA FACE". That's right, just because she's pretty, doesn't mean she's photogenic.....We pick on her all the time about her inability to take a good picture.

The rest of the day, Josh and Ronnie would be doing everything within their power to ruin my pictures......This could have been a great pic of mama and the aunts....

I didn't even notice Josh back there.
I mean, really????

After T-Ville, came Christmas at mama's. I was really excited about the gifts I got everyone.....

I really wanted to get everyone something sentimental this year, but I wanted to have fun too.....So when ronnie opened up his GIGANTIC present, inside was another wrapped box, and inside it another, and another.....Finally he ended up with a very small bag that held inside it a bracelet....Engraved in the bracelet was "bushell and a peck, hug around the neck". Josh was sent on a memory scavenger hunt. I had written several clues in the form of childhood memories and hid them around the house. Eventually he found his present, it was a bracelet with that very same engraving...Mom's bracelet read "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change...." and the back of her bracelet included the same message that the boys had. It was fun, and very heart felt. No one really said anything, we all knew what the words meant, and who they honored....Those words are words that my mom has spoken to us most everyday of our lives as far back as I can remember. It usually goes like this: " I love you, Nikki. All my heart, bushell and a peck...." then she pauses and waits for me to finish with "hug around the neck". She's always been very affectionate with us and it is something I am glad I inherited....

Mom had a little humor of her own for her hunting son in law...Check out this get-up....Don't be surprised if you show up and Shipley's and the cook looks like this!

It was a long day, but finishing up at mom's house was like the cherry on top of a sundae....

The 26th is Uncle Bubba's birthday.....Amber made him a delish cake and of course mom organized a little gathering. She wouldn't have it any other way.....

She really wasn't feeling good on this day. I guess Christmas was a little much.....

Something else I did to lighten the mood the night before at mom's, was print out a picture of my dad from "back in the day". He had perm. A BIG perm. I am not sure it was ever cool for men to get perms, but I don't know....Anyway, I printed daddy one too and gave it to him after Ronnie's bday party (that's when we celebrate with Daddy). He couldn't help but laugh. It kind of was hilarious....Really daddy, a perm?

The girls got EVEN MORE toys.....They don't even know what to think about so many days of gatherings and gift giving.....They LOVE IT!
Ronnie was helping Nori open her gift.....At least I think.....

The guys always end up congregating over a game of pool at Daddy's....

Christmas, this year, like every other year, was crazy with running from event to event. Usually, I almost find myself dreading the "go, go, go!" feel of the day. But this year was different. When my Papaw got sick and soon after, my mom was diagnosed, I come to realize that though it can be stressful, and full of ups and downs, family is family. It's the only one you'll ever have. And while the holidays are hard, I would certainly not want to be at home alone. It was a beautiful holiday and I am so glad I have a big, loving family to spend it with.....

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