Me and my mom, my best friend.

Me and my mom, my best friend.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

We're All Alright

Yesterday was great! A page straight out of a pre-cancer chapter of my life. Mom felt good. She met me and the girls at the library and spent the morning with us. The fire chief came and spoke to the children about fire safety. I am totally the "mom of the year" because I remembered my camera! I was so proud of myself until I turned it on and it didn't make a sound. Dead. Super dead. Typical. He was VERY thorough. My poor, poor, Neva and Nori. They have zero attention span as it is, when you add a 45 min conversation to that, you get some crazy girls! I thought they were going to tear the library down! I was so relieved when we were invited outside to tour the firetruck. They could run free! OF COURSE this is when they started acting all shy. Mom waited on the other side as Neva climbed in one side of the truck, and out the other. She was a little scared, but she did it anyway. She liked the lights and the siren demonstration, but for whatever reason, HATED the horn. Nori was kind of oblivious the whole time. I THINK she liked it. My mom was perfect! The old mom! She was laughing and playing and I actually had to MAKE her stop lifting the girls. I think she had a good time. Afterwards, we took off on a journey to a bakery. I have been talking to the girls about "bakers" and "bakeries", so I thought a little "hands-on" activity wouldn't hurt (it had nothing to do with my HORRIBLE sweet tooth). Mom had 2 gift certificates to a bakery in Sharon. We had never heard of it, but thought "why not?" We actually drove right to the road, but had to turn around several times to find the house. There was no sign. There was a falling down mail box with numbers peeling off. There was a fence chained and locked up tight, guarding an over grown yard and seemingly abandoned house. I called the number on the certificate but there was no answer. SOOOO, we went to PLAN B. Teresa's Bakery. When we walked in, I encouraged Neva to verbalize what she smelled. We have been talking about our senses lately too so I thought this would be a great place to use them! The sweet smells, the vibrant icing colors, the yummy taste, the soft texture of the cakes, and the sound of busy employees in the back. What an educational experience! Once again, it had NOTHING to do with my sugar addiction. It was all about the educational aspect of the trip. I told them they could pick out whatever they wanted. So, when we made it to the display counter, Neva wanted one of everything! Nori was right behind her speaking her "Nori-nese" language that I cannot quite translate, but I am sure she wanted one of everything too! They settled for a dozen fudge brownies. We sat down and I let them indulge while mom picked out some goodies of her own. I was proud of her taking advantage of her current appetite. It wasn't that long ago that we were BEGGING her to take one bite of ANYthing. The girls LOVED their bakery experience! I literally had to cut Neva off. My little chock-a-holics. They got it honest, I guess! When I dropped mom off, I could see the exhaustion on her face. It was a big day for her! We hugged and kissed and went our separate ways. She ended up sleeping the rest of the day and night! Only waking up to eat a little and go to the bathroom.

Today was the day of the dreaded scans. I don't know why I dread them. Mom dreads them because she has to drink this yucky stuff, she doesn't get any coffee, and she HATES waiting. Well, luckily we didn't have to wait that long. Neva and Nori spoke to EVERYONE in the hospital. EVERYONE spoke to them.  Probably not the most appropriate thing for me to take them to these sort of appointments, but sometimes I think they make people feel better. They are not allowed in the chemo room, but the other day we walked (through the flower garden) up to the window of the chemo room and put on a waving show for all the patients! The girls were blowing kisses and smiling. I could see the patients' positive responses. We ended up leaving pretty quickly because Neva began to clean the windows with her tongue. But I know we brightened at least one person's day in there--my mama. So, I didn't feel bad taking them today. People very seldom go to the hospital for a good time, they usually would rather be ANYwhere else. I like to think that my girls take their minds off of their troubles (even if it's in an annoying way). Mom got sick during her last two scans, but surprisingly she did great today! After we left, me, the girls, Mom and Ronnie went to McDonald's for a biscuit, to let the girls play and get their wiggles out.  More importantly, we had to get SOME COFFEE FOR MAMA! She actually ate! You have got to understand why I get so excited about this, mom has NOT been eating good until the last couple of weeks. I am just blown away by her appetite. It truly is, yet another, incident that proves that this disease is unpredictable. Her fatigue is pretty severe this time, but her appetite is great. I'm not complaining. This change is welcomed! I was so proud of the half biscuit she ate. We had a great time and then went our separate ways again.

 I am not anxious for the results of these tests. I am not excited about the game plan we have been given. There are alot of changes on the horizon that scare me more than words can express. But RIGHT NOW, things seem to be pretty good. Different but good. Days like today and yesterday make me forget the bad stuff. I really do cherish these moments.....

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