Me and my mom, my best friend.

Me and my mom, my best friend.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Signature Scent

Have you ever asked someone what kind of perfume or cologne they were wearing, only to be denied the answer to your question? I've learned to not ask, because it's kind of awkward when that happens. It's their "signature scent", so they keep it a secret. It makes them feel confident, attractive, relevant, desired and unique--so they don't want to share it. They want those things all for themselves. I don't fully understand the mentality, but I guess it's truly not my business in the first place.

Anyway, I wanted to talk a little about ____________.

See, I grew up not knowing a whole lot about _________. My parents never took me to church...Not once. I don't think this made them bad people. I think they raised us the way that they were raised. I can't blame them, because by the time I was 28, "church" had became so foreign to me that I was a little intimidated about attending and taking my children. I'm sure my parents felt the same way. __________ was never talked about. I knew nothing about Him. Nothing. Well, besides He was the reason for Christmas. I wasn't interested as a teen. Church was a place for folks that could afford to dress alot better than me. Plus, "church people" were kind of mean. I remember a man telling me when I was around 17, that if I didn't start going to church I was "doomed to hell". Yes, I am serious. What happens when you lay an ultimatum like that on a rebellious teen? Not compliancy, I can tell you that. I went through my early twenties knowing that something was missing, but completely oblivious to what it was. I was around 24 when I first recognized __________ pulling me toward Him. I ignored His call. Then, I was 28 years old when my mom got sick and my world turned upside down. It seemed Brother Robby, (specifically him), had been after me and Mama for years to come to church. We always had an excuse. For Mama, her excuse was work. She worked all day every Sunday. My excuse?? Well, it wasn't quite so valid. But, Bro. Robby never gave up on us. There was subtle encouragement and an endless amount of invites over the years. The moment word got out about my mom being sick, he was there. Mom knew a lot of preachers from working at David's. But, it was Brother Robby that showed up at her house in those first dark days. He talked to her about _________. He was curious about her salvation. He invited her, once again, to attend Journey Church. After the initial chemo treatment cleared Mom's airways enough for her to function again, she asked me to attend church with her. I was mad at __________. I didn't understand why MY mom had to be sick. I truly had no desire to reach out, though I was very, very lost. But I went, for her. I'll never forget my first experience walking in Journey's doors. I was nervous. I was scared. I was doubtful. I didn't think I or my situation could be "fixed". But, immediately after the first sermon and the shower of love we received, in those our darkest days, I recognized a familiar feeling. It was ____________, calling me again. This time, I answered. I walked in those doors countless times with my little sick Mama holding my hand. Listening to _______'s word was yet another thing that Mama and I loved doing together. Sitting right there with tons of people in the same room, __________ entered and conquered both of our hearts. First mine, then hers. When she was down, the people of Journey flooded our house with food and love and prayer. Brother Robby was front and center. Though he had countless duties and people to attend to, he never missed an opportunity to go sit and talk with Mama on her front porch. When she passed, there was an eery calmness about her, me, Ronnie and Josh. And I know why. She knew ________ was waiting. We knew she was with ______________.

I went my ENTIRE life not attending church. Hey, I get it. Sunday is your only day off. It's family day. It's football day. It's hunting day. It's laundry day. I totally get it. And you know, there's something completely annoying about the "Holy Roller" that condemns you because you are not a church goer. I don't think I was a bad person two years ago, when I could count on one hand how many times I had visited a church with friends. I also don't think going to church makes you a good person. Church, no church.....In the end it's all about ________. And, I can tell you this, I could not have handled my Mama's illness, and her death without _______. Please don't misunderstand and think I am exaggerating for effect. I COULD NOT HAVE HANDLED IT. I still face bad days all the time in her absence, and _______ gets me through them.

I don't know all the rules. But I would think you could take _________into your heart sitting on your couch right now. But it sure is nice to be in a laid back, casual atmosphere like Journey. With people just like you: Facing problems and all the difficulties that life brings, just like you... and desiring _______just like you. Listening to ______'s word be delivered by Brother Robby and the awesome music is just icing on the cake. I believe it was no coincidence that I walked in Journey that first time. Somewhere in my mind I thought it would just be a visit. An isolated event. But, that one visit lead to many more. And now, my life has changed forever. I owe everything, EVERYthing to __________.

Unlike the lady with her perfume, I want to share what makes me feel confident, attractive, relevant, desired, unique....... competent, loved, capable, free, promised, assured, prepared, and most of all, complete......You know why? Because I want you to feel it as well. Jesus is my "signature scent". Make Him yours too.

I was never good at keeping secrets.

I'll save ya a seat at Journey.

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