Me and my mom, my best friend.

Me and my mom, my best friend.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Gammy Day

Dear Mama,
Remember last year around this time? We threw you a lil surprise party. You were definitely surprised!
All your friends and our whole family was there. Though you were very tired and not really having the best day health wise, you laughed and smiled and had a great time. It felt so good to see you like that.
 You cried through the slide show that Josh made you. The whole day was honoring you....You were not used to receiving so much attention. You got lots of gifts and tons of hugs and kisses. It was a great day.
A whole year has passed.

Today had the potential to be the saddest day yet. With the installation of the headstone, yesterday was a definite contender. I cried the better part of yesterday. But today....Today could have been really bad. Really, Really, Really bad.
So, thanks to an idea I got from Jamina, We declared today "Gammy-Day".
What would Gammy Day be, without the kids getting a mysterious brown bag??.....
Inside the brown bag? None other than the three c's.
We made some of your favorite foods...."Smothered Steak n' gravy" and all the fixin's...
Amber made the most precious and delicious Gammy Day cake..
We talked about you....a lot...
We hung out with the kids....
We goofed off and kept it light....
We enjoyed each other's company....
We enjoyed visiting with our extra company....Daddy and Kim..
We stayed up past our bed times and celebrated your life....
It was a beautiful, beautiful life...
This isn't exactly the gift we had in mind for you for such a significant milestone.
But, I still hope you like it.
There's your rainbow up top...And what would your birthday be, without some sappy poem that I wrote you.
I know you love to decorate for the Fall season. It's your favorite. I thought you might like this...
Ronnie got you some sweet red roses, and Punkin made that beautiful bouquet on top.
Today could have defeated each of us, I think. And, I would be lying if I said our hearts don't hurt. I would be lying if I said there were no tears shed. But we kept our heads high and stood side by side and faced our sadness together. And we conquered it. I think you would be so proud.
Happy Gammy Day, Mama.
Happy 50th Birthday.
I love you.
I sure wish I could have seen you blow out the candles.....


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