Me and my mom, my best friend.

Me and my mom, my best friend.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Four Months

Dear Mama,

Today is Father's Day AND it's been exactly four months since you left. FOUR months..... Me and Ronnie were talking and we can't decide if it seems like forever since you left, or just like yesterday. I guess it just depends on what day it is. Today? Today it feels like a lifetime since I felt the warmth of one of your hugs. All I know is I miss you so much. So does everyone else.

I just wanted to take a minute to tell you I love you. Remember for your 49th birthday (last year), I made this list of a few of the great things about you? Well, I am re-using it for your Father's Day gift. Don't judge me.

49 Things That Make Brenda


1.   She LOVES chicken legs

2.  Laundry is her least favorite chore

3.  She loves to sing and dance

4.  She’s a GREAT cook

5.  She is stronger than most

6.  She drinks milk when she eats chili

7.  She MUST sleep with one leg out of the covers so it can “breathe”

8.  Her smile is big, bright and beautiful

9.  She can make conversation with anyone

10.           She will do without to provide for her family

11. She loves hugs and kisses

12.            Her mama was the light of her life

13.            She is her grand Children’s favorite playmate

14.            She almost Never wears makeup

15.            She dedicated one day a week to spending time with her daddy

16.            Her siblings are her best friends

17.            She HATES to talk on the phone

18.            The beach is her favorite place

19.            She is a hard worker

20.          Margaritas are her drink of choice

21.            She doesn’t like change

22.          She is very blunt

23.          She changes the subject abruptly when she doesn’t agree

24.          Her laugh is intoxicating

25.          She is always the life of the party

26.          She finds it hilarious when toddlers use bad words

27.           Her favorite color is Blue

28.          She raised her kids to be strong

29.          She Loves horror movies

30.          She is hard headed

31.            When she is in a bad mood-EVERYONE is!

32.          She talks in her sleep

33.          She loves country music

34.          She is beautiful inside and out

35.          She buys the BEST heart felt gifts

36.          Soul Food is her favorite

37.           She is most comfortable in sweat pants and a sweat shirt

38.          She will not spend money on herself

39.          She only had one PLANNED pregnancy

40.           Her grandkids are her heart

41.            She makes each of her kids feel like they're her favorite

42.          Her spirit is unbreakable

43.          She will lift you up, though she is down

44.          She inspires everyone she meets

45.          Her love is contagious

46.          She loves many, but unknowingly is loved my more

47.           She never gives up

48.          Her faith is unwavering

49.          The light within her heart, brightens the world

We love you!
I remember typing this like it was yesterday....When you read it, I wanted you to laugh, and maybe blush a little, and of course, I wanted you to feel the love and admiration that we have for you. Happy Father's Day Mom. You were the best at both.



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