Me and my mom, my best friend.

Me and my mom, my best friend.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Welcome Baby Mili!

On Wednesday February 1st, 2012 a massive amount of prayers came to light when a beautiful and healthy baby girl was born and was able be placed immediately into the arms of her mom, her dad, and her grandmother.

A woman, just having gone through the childbirth process, can make a never ending conversation about every little detail, the ups and downs, the almosts and the actualities. I will spare you....(you're welcome). But, I do want to tell you a little bit about my experience......

Before we left I was SO nervous. I was more nervous than before I had Neva!

Mom was in pain. It was not a good day for her symptoms. But she was a total trooper. She never left my side and brought me an irreplaceable comfort through the labor and delivery process. My epidural didn't take completely, and at one point I was hysterical. This is not something I have done with either previous delivery. Those of you who delivered without meds are rolling your eyes right now.....Well, don't judge me! I am weak! Anyway, I became quite "verbal" with my pain. By that, I mean I screamed in agony for about 30 min. My mom, who is INSANELY protective over her children (EVEN now that we are grown), very calmly stroked my hand and made me look at her. Right into her eyes. I could only see her eyes over the mask, but I heard her words clearly. "Breathe, baby. Take a deep breath and pray. Just pray." She said it so calmly. So I did. I listened, I  prayed, and I did it!

Mili Aubren Garcia 7lbs 5oz, 19 3/4 in. Born at 11:24 am. She, too, was VERY verbal.

See the pride on that mama's face? Both of them....

My hero!

Those that travel outside of Laurel to deliver their babies are CRAZY! You have the very best right here at your fingertips! I have seen Dr. Weber through all three pregnancies and delivered each time at SCRMC. I have NEVER had one SINGLE complaint.

Before I went in on Wednesday, I received a call on Tuesday from a OB nurse reminding me of my appt time and everything I needed to do. As I spoke to her, I told her about my 2 previous WONDERFUL experiences and even compared my hospital stay to a mini-vacation! Well, this 3rd time did not disappoint. From the nurses soothing my nerves beforehand, to calming me down during the delivery, to the hospital stay itself, everything was just incredible. Everyone was so nice and compassionate. The nursery employees gave Mili the very best care and allowed me to catch up on some much needed sleep. I cannot say enough good things about my time in the hospital. It almost makes me want to do it again.....But not quite.....

So, I just delivered. That is my excuse for looking this way.

The nurses laughed about this lil girl's attitude. Luckily it was temporary. She is the SWEETEST lil thing!!!

I didn't get many pictures of mom in the delivery room. She was in alot of pain. Shortly after the birth, she, my girls and Ronnie headed to her house for a nap. She came back and stayed for a while that night. I was so worried about her. I haven't seen her hurt that bad in a while.

Mili  has been very drawn to mama since the first time they locked eyes. She can be screaming in my arms and mom takes her and she cuts it off like a switch. She just studies her face. She loves her. But I am more than sure that the feeling is mutual.


Y'all should have seen the way the girls came up to the hospital. Delivery day I laid out their outfits. The next day, their daddy dressed them. Neva had on a tank top and high water jeans that haven't fit in forever. Nori had on an over sized tshirt, capri pants and work boots. I was proud that he tried.

Though my hospital stay was wonderful, I have to admit, I was a bit lonely. I found myself walking up to the nurses desk just to talk. Michael had to work and tend to the girls. Mom was too sick to come after the initial delivery day. There was alot of time spent in my room alone. It's funny. When you have kids, you find yourself BEGGING for alone time. When you actually get it, if you are like me, you are completely lost. I missed my girls. I missed my husband. I missed my mom. My mind went to the prior hospital stays, when mom barely left my side.
She was upset about it too. She cried on the phone and apologized repeatedly about her inability to get up and put one foot in front of the other. "A mother should be there with their daughter", she said in a cracking voice. My heart ached for her. I assured her I was fine. And I REALLY WAS, just as soon as I got to her house. It was the first stop after I was released.

Neva is wonderful! She wants to help help help. Which is scary scary scary. But Nori? Nori can't stop kissing her Mili! Both girls have reacted SOOO sweetly to their lil sister!

Uncle Bubba is gonna be a great Dad one day.

I spent a couple of days and one night at mom's house. She is in love with Mili. But we also worked very hard to not let the other ones feel left out.

Saturday mom woke up with her eye swollen. It was very alarming. For the last couple of days it has gone up and down in size. The Hospice nurse said that mom's brain tumors could be to blame. I cried at the thought of cancer movement on her brain. Until that point, I had not really worried so much about that particular location. If it gets really bad we are supposed to take her to the ER. Of course, I am beside myself with fear. We are watching it very closely.

3 1/2 years ago. Mom and Neva.

2 years ago. Mom and Nori.

2 days ago. Mom and Mili.

Funny how things change. One thing that has remained? My knowing, without a doubt, how absolutely blessed I am...

1 comment:

  1. Nikki she is beautiful, just like her sisters! I'm so glad your mom was there. Congrats!!
