Me and my mom, my best friend.

Me and my mom, my best friend.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Epiphany at Cross Pointe

I attended a funeral at Cross Pointe Church today. Actually, it wasn't a funeral, but a celebration of a beautiful life lived by Todd Martin. He was the father in law to one of my sweetest, dearest friends, Courtney Edwards. I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but after meeting his wonderful wife, and a slew of his family and friends, and watching a touching slide show of his life and legacy, I know he was a very special man. He was a Christian, strong in his faith, and seemingly passionate about his love for God. From what I understand, three months ago, this active 43 year old non-smoker started seeing some symptoms that alarmed him. Several tests and appointments later, his family was coming to terms with the fact that he had an inoperable stage 3-b lung cancer. His family rallied and stood by him through treatments that brought horrible side effects, but didn't phase the cancer. Finally, he decided to stop treatment. After conversing with Hospice, his gorgeous daughter decided to move up her wedding date. Unfortunately, Mr. Martin passed the Friday before his daughter's Sunday wedding...Just 3 short months after being diagnosed.......
I freaking despise it.
Cancer can ravage your body
Cancer can destroy your thought process
Cancer can steal your energy
Cancer can take your hair
Cancer can rob you of your smile
Cancer can take your ability to work
Cancer can bring you debt
Cancer can tear families apart
Cancer can bring out the worst in you
Cancer can steal your appetite
Cancer can affect remaining moments
Cancer can hurt, emotionally and physically
Cancer can drain your tear ducts
Cancer and radiation can burn your body
Cancer can ruin your plans
Cancer can break your heart
Cancer can change your life forever
 At Mr. Martin's life celebration, there was an awesome band that played several songs. Everyone sang and worshipped. I mean, this church was pretty incredible. Several people spoke too. When his wife came up, her speech was simple but oh so powerful. Her message was obvious, but I had never seen it. She said, through a cracking voice:
"Cancer didn't kill Todd. God took him Home"...
That was it.
Then she walked to her seat.
When the Pastor took the stage, he followed up with "God is always in control". These comments blew me away. My heart found it's way up to my throat and I had to fight off the monsoon of tears that was threatening to fall. How could I love Christ so much, but be blaming cancer for taking my mom? Why am I wasting my energy hating cancer? Instead, I should be crediting God, for relieving her of her suffering when he did. God took her, not the cancer...He is ALWAYS in control.....I like that thought.....I love it, actually.
I sniffled and wiped away tears through most of the funeral, though this man was a total stranger. In part, because I was hurting for this precious family, but also because I was reminded of my mom and our story that played out so similar to this one, not too long ago.
On the car ride home, I started thinking about all those nasty things that cancer did to me and my family, and countless families all over the world....Then, I thought about Mrs. Martin's words. Suddenly, it hit me...
Cancer can do alot of things. It can take away so much....
But it can NEVER take your faith.
My mom and Mr. Martin will forever be proof of that fact.
Please keep this lovely family in your prayers.

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